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What to Do If You See a Drunk Driver

Unfortunately, drunk drivers are on the road all the time. They endanger yourself, your friends and loved ones. If you see someone you believe is drunk driving, you have the ability to protect others by reporting it.

  1. Stay as far away from the other vehicle as possible.
  2. Do not try to pass the vehicle or signal the driver to pull over. If you attempt to communicate with the driver you could cause a collision.
  3. Try to remember the lice plate number, as well as details of the vehicle. If possible, take note of the make, model and color of the car.
  4. Finally, pull over and call 911. Give the exact location of the vehicle, including the name of the road or cross streets and the direction the vehicle is traveling. Answer all of the dispatchers answers honestly.

Don’t be afraid to report someone, because you are not sure if they are drunk. It is better to be safe than sorry.